Advanced tables and statistics > Special T statistics > Requesting a test > Which elements to compare?
Which elements to compare?
Although you give elements identifiers and flag them with tstat or notstat, these do not in themselves tell Quantum which elements to use with a specific test. The identifier is a marker that you can use to refer to the element and tstat and notstat flag elements as eligible or ineligible for inclusion in tests.
To choose the elements for a particular test, place the option:
on the tstat statement, separated by a semicolon from the test’s name. For example:
tstat prop;elms=ABC
tells Quantum to run a T-test on column proportions on all possible pairs of columns from A to C; that is, on AB, AC and BC. Any other elements in the axis are ignored even if they have identifiers and are flagged with the tstat option.
You can control more precisely which combinations of elements are compared by listing the pairs or sets individually, separated by commas.
The option:
tells Quantum to test all possible pairs within ABC plus the pair DE. Combinations of elements from the two groups, such as AD or CE are ignored.
Different tests expect to test different numbers of elements. The notes given with each test tell you the exact requirements.
The automatic footnote lists the combinations of elements tested, or you can print your own title using the <<cols>> keyword to list the columns tested.
If the test finds that a comparison of two elements is significantly different, it prints the element identifier of the larger value next to the cell count of the smaller value.
See also
Requesting a test