Advanced tables and statistics > Special T statistics > Paired preference test
Paired preference test
Quick reference
To request a paired preference test, type:
tstat ppt [;options] [;ppnse]
after the tab or l statement, and:
stat ppt, element_text
in the axis at the point at which the letters should be printed. ppnse tells Quantum to print NS or E depending on whether or not the value of the statistic is significantly different from .
More information
This test deals with each column independently and compares pairs of rows to see whether the figures in each pair differ significantly from one another. If the results of the test are significant at the selected level, the letter S is placed in that column. Thus, if the proportion of women preferring Brand A is larger than those preferring Brand B, and the difference between the two proportions is significant, the letter S is printed in the column for women.
If two confidence levels have been defined, significance at the higher level is shown by an uppercase S and significance at the lower level is shown by a lowercase s.
This test is generally used in product tests where respondents test two or more products: the rows are then the products tested.
Note If a proportion is zero or one, meaning that no-one preferred, for example, brand A, the correlation coefficient is set to –1.0, the test is carried out and the letter S is printed in the appropriate column.
The presence of overlapping data is irrelevant with this test, and since overlap calculations involve more processing time and a larger nums file, you are advised not to use overlap with this test.
To request a paired preference test
1 Insert a tstat ppt statement underneath the tab or l statement which creates the table or axis to be tested.
Row IDs must be entered in sets of exactly two, for example:
tab brands sex
tstat ppt;elms=AB,CD,AC,AD,BC,BD
2 Insert a stat ppt statement in the row axis to create a row in which the significance letters should be printed:
stat ppt,Paired Preference Test
Note You need to insert one stat ppt statement into the axis for each pair of rows you are comparing; for example you would need to insert six stat ppt statements for the tstat ppt shown in step 1 above.
3 Optionally, place the option ppnse on the tstat statement to have the letters NS and E printed in the columns where the difference is not significant at the given level. NS indicates that the value of the statistic is significantly different from ; E indicates that the value of the statistic does not differ significantly from .
Example of a paired preference test
P-values for paired preference tests
See also
Special T statistics