Advanced tables and statistics > Special T statistics > Paired preference test > P-values for paired preference tests
P-values for paired preference tests
In paired preference tests with the P-value option, the P-value is printed instead of the letter indicators S, NS, E or blank, except that the S is printed next to the value if appropriate. For example, a paired preference test without P-values might produce the following output:
                Base   Single   Married  Divorced    Other
                         (A)       (B)       (C)       (D)

Base             200      45*      49*       59*       47*
Effective base   100     100      100       100       100
Prefers A         27      27       29        22        30
Prefers B         26      27       18        31        26
No preference      4       7        4         3         0
Total             56      60       51        56        55

1st ppt                    E        S         E         E

Prefers C         18      13       20        22        15
Prefers D         23      22       29        17        23
No preference      4       4        0         5         6
Total             45      40       49        44        45

2nd ppt                    S        E         E         E
Paired Preference: Columns Tested (32% risk level) - A/B - C/D
*small base
When run with the pvals option on the tstat statement, the output would be:
                 Base   Single   Married  Divorced    Other
                          (A)      (B)       (C)       (D)

 Base             200      45*      49*       59*       47*
 Effective base   100     100      100       100       100
 Prefers A         27      27       29        22        30
 Prefers B         26      27       18        31        26
 No preference      4       7        4         3         0
 Total             56      60       51        56        55

 1st ppt                1.000    0.304S    0.370     0.698

 Prefers C         18      13       20        22        15
 Prefers D         23      22       29        17        23
 No preference      4       4        0         5         6
 Total             45      40       49        44        45

 2nd ppt                0.324S   0.420     0.533     0.352
 Paired Preference: Columns Tested (32% risk level) - A/B - C/D
 *small base
Although this test was carried out using the 32% risk level (68% confidence level), using the P‑values enables the actual level of significance to be displayed. For example, there is a difference between the numbers preferring Brand A to Brand B at the 30.4% risk level among married respondents. Note that the value of 1.000 displayed in the Single column for the first paired preference statistic indicated that there are no differences between the numbers preferring the two brands.
See also
Paired preference test