The solidDB® ODBC Driver conforms to the Microsoft ODBC 3.5.1 API standard. The solidDB® ODBC API is the native call level interface (CLI) for solidDB® databases. It is compliant with ANSI X3H2 SQL CLI standard.
The solidDB® ODBC Driver is a distributed in the form of a library. solidDB® provides two ODBC drivers (libraries): one for Unicode and one for ASCII. The Unicode version is a superset of the ASCII version; you can use it with either Unicode or ASCII character sets.
The solidDB® implementation of the ODBC API supports a rich set of database access operations sufficient for creating robust database applications, including:
▪Allocating and deallocating handles
▪Getting and setting attributes
▪Opening and closing database connections
▪Accessing descriptors
▪Executing SQL statements
▪Accessing schema metadata
▪Controlling transactions
▪Accessing diagnostic information
Depending on the application’s request, the solidDB® ODBC Driver can automatically commit each SQL statement or wait for an explicit commit or rollback request. When the driver performs a commit or rollback operation, the driver resets all statement requests associated with the connection.
Configuration file for solidDB® ODBC Driver
The solidDB® ODBC Driver gets its client configuration information from the client-side solid.ini file. The client-side configuration file must be located in the working directory of the application.
When the solidDB® ODBC Driver is started, it attempts to open the configuration file solid.ini. If the file does not exist, solidDB® uses the factory values for the parameters. If the file exists, but a value for a particular parameter is not set in the solid.ini file, solidDB® uses the factory value for that parameter.
Non-standard extensions for ODBC
solidDB® provides a set of proprietary, non-standard ODBC attributes and functions. For example, the non-standard ODBC attributes can be used to provide encryption related configuration information on a connection level.