Programmer Guide : solidDB® ODBC API : Getting started with solidDB® ODBC : ODBC non-standard behavior
ODBC non-standard behavior
This section describes the non-standard behavior and limitations of solidDB® ODBC driver.
Error information
Regardless of the version set by the client, the driver returns error information based on the ODBC 3.0 specification.
Error in SQLPutData using SQL_NULL_DATA as parameter length
If you try to insert or update one or more data items where one of the items has SQL_NULL_DATA as the length specifier, no data will be inserted. The column value will become NULL.
SQLAllocHandle can return incomplete error information
If you call SQLAllocHandle with an invalid handle type, for example,
SQLAllocHandle(-5, hdbc, &hstmt);
the function will return SQL_ERROR but not Error State “HY092” or message “Invalid Attribute/Option Identifier”.
MSAccess - linking the table with certain column types
After linking the table with data types WCHAR, WVARCHAR, and LONG WVARCHAR, when a user inserts a particular record and then inserts/updates/deletes another record, the driver shows “#deleted” for the previous newly added/updated record.
ADO - OpenSchema methods
The following OpenSchema methods are not supported through ADO:
The above mentioned OpenSchema methods are not supported by ADO with any ODBC Driver. This is a limitation of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC. This is not specific to the solidDB® ODBC Driver.
See also
Getting started with solidDB® ODBC