SMA and LLA Guide : Overview of shared memory access and linked library access
Overview of shared memory access and linked library access
The solidDB® shared memory access (SMA) and linked library access (LLA) allow applications to link to solidDB® server directly, without the need to communicate through performance-consuming network protocols such as TCP/IP. SMA allows to link multiple applications while LLA allows to link one application.
SMA and LLA are implemented as library files that contain a complete copy of the solidDB® server in library format.
With SMA, the library that the applications link to can be seen as a driver. Before the linked application is started, the solidDB® server is started in a SMA mode, which loads the SMA driver dynamically and allocates and initializes a shared memory segment that the applications use to access the database.
With LLA, the application links to the LLA library and the application and server are built into a single executable program.
Your application does not have to be rewritten to use SMA or LLA. The applications communicate with the solidDB® server using ODBC or JDBC calls, or the solidDB® proprietary SA API.
The SMA and LLA servers can also handle requests from remote applications which connect to the server through communications protocols such as TCP/IP. The remote applications see the SMA or LLA server as similar to any other solidDB® server, while the local SMA and LLA applications see a faster, more precisely controllable version of the solidDB® server.
Also, similarly to network-based servers, multiple SMA and LLA servers can be run on the same node.
The solidDB® server used with SMA and LLA can be disk-based or diskless. Both in-memory tables and disk-based tables are also supported.
Configurations with SMA, LLA, and network-connection-based solidDB® server
1 In a standard solidDB® database configuration the applications and the server are separate programs.
2 In LLA configuration, LLA is a library that is linked into an application. Other applications may also communicate with the LLA server.
3 In SMA configuration, SMA is a driver library that multiple applications can link to. Other network connections based applications may also communicate with the SMA server.
See also
Shared memory access (SMA)
Linked library access (LLA)
solidDB® APIs and drivers for SMA and LLA
Configurations with local and remote applications types