SMA and LLA Guide : Overview of shared memory access and linked library access : solidDB® APIs and drivers for SMA and LLA
solidDB® APIs and drivers for SMA and LLA
The SMA and LLA application requests are typically handled through ODBC API direct function calls or JDBC calls. The solidDB® proprietary solidDB® API is available also. The solidDB® Server Control API (SSC API and SSC API for Java) is included in the LLA library for handling local requests to control solidDB® background processes and client tasks. SMA includes limited support for SSC API; only calls for starting or stopping the SMA server are included.
Example: SMA and LLA APIs for C/C++ programs
See also
solidDB® SA API
solidDB® Server Control API (SSC API)
solidDB® Server Control API (SSC API) for Java
Overview of shared memory access and linked library access