solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Administering solidDB
Administering solidDB
The solidDB server is designed for continuous, unattended operation and ease of deployment, and requires minimal maintenance.
The main administration interface for the solidDB server is the ADMIN COMMAND SQL extension that is used to run administrative commands. The ADMIN COMMANDs are used for operations such as creating backups of the database, invoking performance monitoring, or displaying information about users that are connected to the database. The ADMIN COMMANDs can also be used for changing certain configuration settings dynamically.
You can schedule the execution of a subset of ADMIN COMMANDs by using the Srv.At connection parameter. See Entering timed commands for more details.
The solidDB package includes the following command-line utilities that you can use to run the administrative commands:
solidDB SQL Editor (solsql), see solidDB SQL Editor (solsql)
solidDB Remote Control (solcon), see solidDB Remote Control (solcon)
Additionally, if you are using solidDB with the linked access methods, the solidDB Server Control API (SSC API) gives the application programmatic control over task execution. The SSC API functions are available for assigning priorities for tasks such as database backup, database checkpoint, and merge of the Bonsai tree. The priority assignment determines the order of task execution.
For more details on the SSC API, see solidDB Server Control (SSC) API.
Starting a solidDB server
Closing a database (preventing new connections)
Shutting down a solidDB server
Creating a new database
Connecting to solidDB with solidDB tools
Running solidDB server as a Windows service
Running several servers on one computer
Performing backup and recovery
Creating checkpoints
Compacting database files (database reorganization)