solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Administering solidDB : Creating a new database
Creating a new database
solidDB databases are created at solidDB server startup.
When the solidDB server is started, the server checks if a database exists. If a database does not exist, you are prompted to create a database.
If you type yes, solidDB prompts you for the user name and password of the database administrator, and a name for the default (system) catalog.
After accepting the user name and password of the database administrator, solidDB creates the database.
By default, the database is created as one file (solid.db) in the solidDB working directory.
The database size depends on the value of the block size that is set for the database (the value of the parameter IndexFile.BlockSize, see IndexFile section).
Block size
Maximum database size (-blocksize)
The size of the disk allocation is controlled by the IndexFile.ExtendIncrement parameter.
The maximum database size is also controlled by the block size. The maximum database size is (2^32-1)*(blocksize). Therefore, with the default 16KB block size, the maximum database size is 64TB - 16KB.
After the database has been created, the server listens for client connection requests. solidDB runs invisibly in the background as a daemon process.
User names, passwords, and system catalog names
Unicode and partial Unicode database modes
Setting up database environment
solidDB configuration file (solid.ini)
Setting database block size (BlockSize) and location (FileSpec)
Defining database objects
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Administering solidDB