solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Administering solidDB : Starting a solidDB server : Starting a diskless server
Starting a diskless server
Before you start a diskless server, you must make sure that you have configured the server to handle the expected amount of data, see Configuring diskless servers.
You can start a diskless server by using one of the following command line options:
-x diskless (solidDB server writes output and diagnostics to disk)
-x truediskless (nothing is ever written to disk)
For more information, see solidDB (solid) command line syntax.
If you are using a diskless Shared Memory Access (SMA) server, you can also start the server by using the SSC API function call. If you are using a diskless Linked Library Access (LLA) server, you can only start the server by using the SSC API or SSC API for Java function calls.
If you use the SSC API, you omit the disk altogether by passing configuration (solid.ini) and license (solid.lic) information in the API call.
For more information, see Using the diskless capability with SMA and LLA servers.
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Starting a solidDB server