solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Configuring solidDB : Managing parameters : Access mode and persistence of parameter modifications
Access mode and persistence of parameter modifications
The access mode of a parameter defines whether the parameter can be changed dynamically by using an ADMIN COMMAND, and when the change takes effect.
The possible access modes are:
RO (read-only): the value cannot be changed; the current value is always identical to the startup value.
RW: the value can be changed by using an ADMIN COMMAND and the change takes effect immediately.
RW/Startup: the value can be changed by using an ADMIN COMMAND and the change takes effect the next time that the server starts.
RW/Create: the value can be changed by using an ADMIN COMMAND and the change applies when a new database is created.
All the changes made to parameters that have a RW, RW/Startup, or RW/Create access mode are stored in the solid.ini file at the next checkpoint. The solid.ini file is not updated with values that are set by using the -t or temporary options, see PARAMETER.
Note It is also possible to request an immediate storing of changed values by using the ADMIN COMMAND 'save parameters' command, see SAVE.
You can either update the current solid.ini file or, for a convenient way to save configuration file checkpoints for later use, you can save a full configuration file to a new location.
Example: Read-only (RO) parameter IndexFile.BlockSize
The access mode of the IndexFile.BlockSize parameter is RO. The parameter is set when the database is created and cannot be modified afterward.
If you want to use a different constant value, you have to create a new database. Before creating the new database, set the new parameter constant value by editing the solid.ini file.
The following example sets a new block size for the index file by adding the following lines to the solid.ini file:
Blocksize = 4096
After editing and saving the solid.ini file, move or delete the old database and log files, and start solidDB.
The log block size can be changed between startups of the server.
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Managing parameters