solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : PARAMETER
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter [-r] [-t] [param_name[=[*|value][temporary]]'
Abbreviation: par
Displays and sets server parameter values, see Viewing and setting parameters with ADMIN COMMAND.
If you run the command without any options, all parameters are displayed.
param_name and value follow the rules specified in Format of configuration parameter names and values.
If you specify -r, only the current value is displayed. By default, the output displays three values in the following order:
current value
startup value (used when the server was started)
factory value preset in the product
If you set param_name=*, the parameter is set to the factory value.
If you include a parameter name and an equals sign (=) but do not specify an asterisk (*) or a value, the parameter is set to the startup value.
If you specify -t or assign a parameter value as temporary, the new value is not stored in the solid.ini file.
When the value of a parameter is changed, the change might apply immediately or the next time that the server is started. The access mode of the parameter defines the persistence of the parameter change, see Access mode and persistence of parameter modifications.
The command returns the new value as the result set. If the access mode of the parameter is RO (read-only) or the value entered is invalid, the ADMIN COMMAND returns an error.
For example:
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter'; displays all values for all parameters:
-- ----
 0 Accelerator ImplicitStart Yes Yes Yes
 0 Accelerator ReturnListenErrors No No No
 0 Com Listen tcp 2315, tcp 2315, tcp 1964
 0 Com MaxPhysMsgLen 8192 8192 8192
 0 Com RConnectLifetime 60 60 60
 0 Com RConnectPoolSize 10 10 10
 0 Com RConnectRPCTimeout 0 0 0
 0 Com ReadBufSize 2048 2048 2048
 0 Com SocketLinger Yes Yes Yes
 0 Com SocketLingerTime 0 0 0
192 rows fetched.
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter logging' displays all parameters from section [Logging].
-- ----
0 Logging BlockSize 16384 16384 16384
0 Logging DigitTemplateChar # # #
0 Logging DurabilityLevel 3 2 2
0 Logging FileFlush Yes Yes Yes
0 Logging FileNameTemplate sol#####.log sol#####.log sol#####.log
0 Logging LogDir logs logs
0 Logging LogEnabled Yes Yes Yes
0 Logging LogWriteMode 2 2 2
0 Logging MinSplitSize 10485760 10485760 10485760
0 Logging RelaxedMaxDelay 5000 5000 5000
0 Logging SyncWrite No No No
11 rows fetched.
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter logging.durabilitylevel'; displays the parameter Durabilitylevel in the [Logging] section.
-- ----
 0 Logging DurabilityLevel 3 2 2
1 rows fetched.
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter -r logging'; displays just the current value for the parameters in the [Logging] section.
-- ----
0 Logging BlockSize 16384
0 Logging DigitTemplateChar #
0 Logging DurabilityLevel 3
0 Logging FileFlush Yes
0 Logging FileNameTemplate sol#####.log
0 Logging LogDir logs
0 Logging LogEnabled Yes
0 Logging LogWriteMode 2
0 Logging MinSplitSize 10485760
0 Logging RelaxedMaxDelay 5000
0 Logging SyncWrite No
11 rows fetched.
'parameter com.trace=yes' sets communication trace on.
'parameter com.trace=' sets communication trace to its startup value.
'parameter com.trace=*' sets communication trace to its factory value.
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solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax