solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Using solidDB data management tools : solidDB Speed Loader (solloado and solload)
solidDB Speed Loader (solloado and solload)
The solidDB Speed Loader is a tool for loading data from external files into a solidDB database.
There are two variants of the solidDB Speed Loader:
solloado provides support for Unicode and partial Unicode databases. It also enables loading of data with multiple threads. solloado is based on the solidDB ODBC API; the client-side configuration parameters can be used to control the behavior of solloado.
solload provides support for partial Unicode databases only. solload is based on the solidDB SA API.
The solidDB Speed Loader can load data in various formats and produce detailed information of the loading process into a log file. The format of the import file, that is, the file containing the external data, is specified in a control file.
Key characteristics
The data is loaded into the database through the solidDB engine. This enables online operation of the database during the loading.
The data to be loaded does not have to be located on the same computer as the solidDB server.
The data is loaded in batches. You can control the number of records that are committed in one batch.
The tables must exist in the database in order to perform data loading.
Catalogs are supported with the following syntax:
The following constraints are checked:
solidDB Speed Loader does not support check constraints that are defined by using the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statement and which specify data value restrictions in columns.

However, solidDB Speed Loader always checks for unique or foreign key constraints that are defined using the CREATE TABLE statement.
Starting solidDB Speed Loader
Start solidDB Speed Loader with the command solloado or solload, followed by argument options. For information about the command line syntax that you use to start solloado or solload, see solidDB Speed Loader (solloado or solload) command line syntax.
If you start solidDB Speed Loader with no arguments, you see a summary of the arguments with a brief description of their usage.
Note Due to using the SA interface internally, Speed Loader started with solload cannot handle failovers with a TF (Transparent Failover) connection. Hence using TF connections is not recommended.
File types
Tips for speeding up loading
Examples of solidDB Speed Loader usage
Control file
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Using solidDB data management tools