solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Using solidDB data management tools : solidDB Speed Loader (solloado and solload) : Tips for speeding up loading
Tips for speeding up loading
To ensure that loading takes place with maximum performance, consider the following aspects:
Connect locally if possible; it is slower to load data over the network.
Increase the number of records committed in one batch. By default, a commit is done after each record.
Disable transaction logging.
To disable logging, set the Logging.LogEnabled parameter to no.
After the loading has been completed, remember to enable logging again (Logging.LogEnabled=yes). Running the server in production use with logging disabled is discouraged. If logs are not written, no recovery can be made if an error occurs due to an issue such as a power failure or disk error.
With solloado you can increase the performance by increasing the parallel processing of the loading process by using the -w option, see solidDB Speed Loader (solloado or solload) command line syntax. For example, -w12 uses 12 threads for loading. For best results, align the number of threads to the number of configured logical CPUs on the system.
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solidDB Speed Loader (solloado and solload)