solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Using solidDB data management tools : solidDB Export (solexp)
solidDB Export (solexp)
solidDB Export (solexp) is a tool for exporting data from a database into files. solidDB Export produces two types of files for each table:
A data file (tablename.dat) that contains the exported data
A control file (tablename.ctr) the specifies the format of the data file
The default file name is the same as the exported table name.
solidDB Speed Loader can use the data and control files to load data into solidDB databases.
Note The user name used for performing the export operation must have SELECT rights on the table exported. Otherwise no data is exported.
Starting solexp
Start solidDB Export with the command solexp, followed by argument options. For information about the command line syntax that you use to start solexp, see solidDB Export (solexp) command line syntax.
If you start solexp without any arguments, a summary of the arguments with a brief description is displayed.
solexp -CMyCatalog -sMySchema -ofile.dat "tcp 1315" MyID My_pwd MyTable
Error messages
When there is an error in the command line entry, solexp gives you a list of the possible syntax options as a result. Check your entries on the command line.
User name, password, and table name are always expected, for example:
solexp "tcp 1315" dba dba myTable
If you omit the name of the schema, you might get a message saying that the specified table could not be found. The solexp program cannot find the table if it does not know which schema to look in.
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Using solidDB data management tools