solidDB Help : solidDB reference : Command line options : solidDB Export (solexp) command line syntax
solidDB Export (solexp) command line syntax
Start solidDB Export with the command solexp, followed by argument options. For more information about using solexp, see solidDB Export (solexp).
The syntax for starting solexp is:
solexp [options] [network_name] username [password] {tablename | *}
network_name is the network name of a solidDB server that you are connected to, see Network listening names (Com.Listen). The given network name must be enclosed in quotation marks. Logical data source names can also be used with the solidDB tools.
If you are using solexp to connect to a solidDB grid, include grid in the network name, for example:
solexp "grid tcp myhost1 1964" dba dba myTable
For more information, see Connecting to a grid.
username is required to identify the user and to determine the authorization level of the user authorization. Without appropriate rights, command execution is denied.
password is the password of the user for accessing the database. The password is mandatory, if the password is not read from a file (as defined with option -x pwdfile: filename), or optional, if the password is read from a file.
tablename or * is mandatory. The symbol * can be used to export all tables with one command. However, it cannot be used as a wildcard. In some environments you might need to escape the * with double quotation marks ("*").
Note The -t tablename (Export table) option is still supported in order to keep old scripts valid.
options are described in the following table:
Option syntax
-c dir
Changes working directory
-C catalogname
Sets the default catalog from where data is read from or written to
-e sql_string
Executes SQL string for export
-f filename
Executes SQL string from file for export
-l filename
Writes log entries to this file
-L filename
Appends log entries to this file
In Unicode databases (General.InternalCharEncoding=UTF8), expect the data in character and wide character data type columns to be encoded in the console locale/codepage, despite the settings in the server-side and client-side character data binding parameters.
In partial Unicode databases (General.InternalCharEncoding=Raw), expect the data in wide character data type columns to be encoded in the console locale/codepage, despite the settings in the server-side and client-side character data binding parameters. Data in character data type columns is not converted.
See Using solidDB tools with Unicode for more information.
-M locale_name
In Unicode databases (General.InternalCharEncoding=UTF8), expect the data in character and wide character data type columns to be encoded in the specified locale/codepage.
In partial Unicode databases (General.InternalCharEncoding=Raw), expect the data in wide character data type columns to be encoded in the specified locale/codepage. Data in character data type columns is not converted.
The format of locale_name depends on the operating system.
For example, in Linux environments, the locale name for the code page GB18030 in Chinese/China is zh_CN.gb18030.
In Windows environments, the locale name for Latin1 code page in Finnish/Finland is fin_fin.1252.
-o filename
Writes exported data to this file
This option can be used only when exporting the data of a single table.
The default data and control file name is the same as the exported table name (<tablename>.dat and <tablename>.ctr).
Preserves case of schema and table names
-s schema_name
Uses only this schema for export
Creates SQL insert into clauses
Adds attribute names to insert clause
In Unicode databases (General.InternalCharEncoding=UTF8), expect the data in character and wide character data type columns to be encoded in UTF-8.
In partial Unicode databases (General.InternalCharEncoding=Raw), expect the data in wide character data type columns to be encoded in UTF-8. Data in character data type columns is not converted.
See Using solidDB tools with Unicode for more information.
-x pwdfile: filename
Reads password from the file
Displays command usage
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Command line options