solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Configuring and administering HotStandby : Configuring HA Controller and HA Manager
Configuring HA Controller and HA Manager
High Availability Controller (HAC) is deployed on each of the HotStandby (HSB) server nodes. The HAC is configured by using the solidhac.ini configuration file. High Availability Manager (HAM) is configured by using the HAManager.ini configuration file.
HA Controller
The HAC configuration file solidhac.ini must be located in the HAC working directory.
For descriptions of the parameters, see High Availability Controller (HAC) configuration parameters.
All the configuration parameters are shown also in the solidhac.ini example file in The solidhac.ini configuration file.
HA Manager
The HAM configuration file HAManager.ini must be located in the HAM working directory.
For descriptions of the parameters, see High Availability Manager (HAM) configuration parameters.
All the configuration parameters are shown also in the HAManager.ini example file in The HAManager.ini configuration file.
Creating a non-admin user for HAC
A normal admin user like the SYS_ADMIN can view data and alter user info (for example, see the contents of the tables and run admin SQL instructions such as to alter a user) as well as to perform admin commands.
HAC needs no access to data, and simply needs to maintain solidDB availability. It is recommended that you create a separate non-admin user without data access using the SYS_ADMIN_COMMAND_ROLE, see Authorization, privileges, and roles.
For example:
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Configuring and administering HotStandby