solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Configuring and administering HotStandby
Configuring and administering HotStandby
The solidDB HotStandby (HSB) related components are administered with configuration parameters and ADMIN COMMANDs.
Configuration parameters
Parameters are grouped according to section categories in configuration files.
There are four types of parameters:
Server-side parameters in the server-side solid.ini configuration file
There are two HSB-specific sections in the server-side solid.ini configuration file: [Cluster] and [HotStandby], see Cluster section and HotStandby section.
Various other parameters can also affect HSB functionality.
Client-side parameters in the client-side solid.ini configuration file. The most important client-side parameters are in the [Com] and [TransparentFailover] sections, see Communication section (client-side) and TransparentFailover section.
High Availability Controller (HAC) configuration parameters in the solidhac.ini configuration file, see High Availability Controller (HAC) configuration parameters.
High Availability Manager (HAM) configuration parameters in the HAManager.ini configuration file, see High Availability Manager (HAM) configuration parameters.
Note If you use the Watchdog sample provided with the solidDB package, the solid.ini file also contains watchdog-specific parameters in a [Watchdog] section. For information, see the section Watchdog sample application.
You can change configuration parameters in the following ways:
Edit the configuration files solid.ini, solidhac.ini and HAManager.ini manually.
Note The server reads the configuration files during startup only, and therefore changes to any configuration file do not take effect until the next time that the corresponding program is started.
Use the ADMIN COMMAND 'describe' command to query the current settings and the ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter' command to change the settings of a running solidDB server dynamically,
For example:
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter logging.durabilitylevel';
-- ----
0 Logging DurabilityLevel 3 3 2
ADMIN COMMAND 'parameter hotstandby.MaxLogSize';
-- ----
0 HotStandby MaxLogSize 10000000 0 0
The result set shows the following 3 values:
Current value - set dynamically or inherited from the default or factory value.
Default value - read originally from the solid.ini file or inherited from the factory value.
Factory value - preset in the product.
For more information about the ADMIN commands, see DESCRIBE and PARAMETER.
Note Not all configuration parameters can be changed dynamically.
For examples of the configuration files, see Configuration file examples.
HotStandby ADMIN COMMANDs (HotStandby API)
The high availability behavior is controlled with the HotStandby API (HSB API), which is based on a subset of solidDB ADMIN COMMAND commands.
This subset of commands is identified by the command prefix hotstandby, abbreviated as hsb. These commands can be run by using any SQL-capable tool (like solsql) or programmatic interfaces like ODBC or JDBC.
The hotstandby admin commands control the high availability state of a solidDB HSB server, or retrieve state information. The commands can be run manually or programmatically. The solidDB HA management tools, High Availability Controller (HAC), and the Watchdog sample use the commands programmatically.
You can use the HSB commands to program your own application to manage high availability in solidDB, for example, to implement an integration to an external cluster management software.
For more details about the HotStandby ADMIN COMMAND commands and their syntax, see HOTSTANDBY.
For more details about the HAC ADMIN COMMAND commands and their syntax, see HACONTROLLER.
HotStandby and access rights
There are no specific access rights for HotStandby, normal administrator access rights suffice. To execute the HotStandby administrative commands, SYS_ADMIN_ROLE or SYS_CONSOLE_ROLE access rights are required.
HotStandby and solidDB tools
The solidDB data management tools can be used with HotStandby servers.
Console tools for issuing ADMIN COMMANDs
You can run HotStandby-specific administrative commands (ADMIN COMMAND 'hotstandby option') with solidDB SQL Editor (solsql), and solidDB Remote Control (solcon).
When you are using solsql, the command name must be given with single quotation marks and a semicolon at the end of the command. For example:
ADMIN COMMAND 'hotstandby status connect';
When you are using solcon, the command name must be given without the ADMIN COMMAND prefix, quotation marks, and without the semicolon at the end of the command. For example:
hotstandby status connect
Import and export tools
The import and export tools, solidDB Speed Loader (solloado or solload), solidDB Export (solexp), and solidDB Data Dictionary (soldd) can also be used with HotStandby.
High Availability Manager (HAM) sample
The solidDB package also contains a sample tool, High Availability Manager (HAM) that can be used to monitor solidDB HotStandby states, and to control HSB servers and High Availability Controllers (HAC). HAM can be used only with the HAC.
Configuring HotStandby
Configuring HA Controller and HA Manager
HotStandby administration tasks
Performance tuning
Special considerations for using solidDB with HotStandby
Configuring for lower cost versus higher safety