solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Monitoring solidDB : Checking database status
Checking database status
Use the ADMIN COMMAND 'status' command to retrieve generic information about the solidDB server, including statistics information about memory usage, process size, transaction count, cache count, user count, and database operations. For more information, see STATUS.
To retrieve generic information about the solidDB server, run the following command:
For example:
solsql> ADMIN COMMAND 'status';
0 solidDB started at 2012-06-05 11:17:31
0 Current directory is C:\soliddb100\eval_kit\standalone
0 Using configuration file C:\soliddb100\eval_kit\standalone\solid.ini
0 Memory statistics:
0 133658 kilobytes
0 Process size statistics:
0 Resident set size: 58648 kilobytes
0 Virtual size: 153276 kilobytes
0 Transaction count statistics:
0 Commit Abort Rollback Total Read-only Trxbuf Active Validate
0    11308     0   686   11994     12805   6568      2        0
0 Cache count statistics:
0 Hit rate Find Read Write
0    100.0  421718       3     130
0 Database statistics:
0 Index writes 68580 After last merge 18169
0 Log writes 89752 After last cp 87255
0 Active searches 1 Average 2
0 Database size 8064 kilobytes
0 Log size 1088 kilobytes
0 User count statistics:
0 Current Maximum Total
0 3 3 627
The result set includes the following categories. For full details of the output, see STATUS.
Memory statistics: Amount of memory that solidDB has allocated from the operating system. This number does not include the size of the solidDB executable itself.
Transaction count statistics: Number of different transaction operations since startup.
Cache count statistics: Cache hit rate and number of cache operations since startup. The cache hit rate is typically above 95 percent. If it is under 95 percent, consider increasing the cache size.
Database statistics: Number of selected database operations since startup.
Index writes: Size of the solidDB multiversioning storage tree, known as the Bonsai tree, after the last merge. The smaller the value, the better the server performance. A large value indicates that there is a long-running transaction that is active in the engine. An excessively large Bonsai tree can cause performance degradation. For details about how to reduce Bonsai tree size, see Reducing Bonsai tree size by committing transactions.
User count statistics: Current number of connected users, the maximum number of concurrent users since startup, and the total number of user connections since startup.
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Monitoring solidDB