solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : STATUS
Abbreviation: sta
Displays statistics for the server since the startup.
The output provides the following information:
Server startup timestamp
Working directory
Configuration file location and name
Memory statistics – Amount of memory allocated by the server based on internal solidDB memory counters, including the memory used by data in the in-memory tables (same as ADMIN COMMAND 'memory' output value, see MEMORY).
Process size statistics in KB:
Resident set size: Actual process size in memory as reported by the operating system
Virtual size: System-level virtual process size (same as ADMIN COMMAND 'info processsize' output value, see INFO).
Transaction count statistics:
Commit: Number of committed transactions
Abort: Number of system-aborted transactions
Rollback: Number of transactions rolled back by user
Total: Total number of committed, aborted, and rolled back transactions
Read-only: Number of read-only transactions
Trxbuf: Number of transactions in transaction buffer
Active: Number of active transactions (same as performance counter Trans active)
Validate: Number of active transactions being validated at commit phase (same as performance counter Trans validate)
Cache count statistics:
Hit rate: Percentage of successful bufferpool cache hits (disk access avoided)
Find: Number of searches in cache
Read: Number of read operations on disk
Write: Number of write operations from cache to disk
Database statistics:
Index writes: Number of write operations
(Index writes) After last merge: Number of write operations since last merge
Log writes: Number of log write operations
(Log writes) After last cp: Number of log write operations since last checkpoint
Active searches: Number of active searches on database engine level
(Active searches) Average: Average number of active searches on database engine level
Database size
Log size
User count statistics:
Current: Number of current connected users
Maximum: Number of concurrently connected users since startup
Total: Number of connected users since startup
For an example, see Checking database status.
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solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax