solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Monitoring solidDB : Obtaining list of connected users
Obtaining list of connected users
Use the ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist' command to get a list of currently connected users.
For example:
solsql> ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist';
-- ----
0 User name: User id: Tid: Type: Machine id: Login time: Client version:
0 SOL 7 8264 Solcon testi123 ( 2012-06-05 14:16:48 Not available
0 SAL 10 3892 ODBC testi456 ( 2012-06-05 11:17:51 Build 2014-11-30
3 rows fetched.
The output provides the following information:
User name: Name of the connected user.
User Id: User session identification number (userid) within the database. The lifetime of the userid is that of the user session. After the user logs out, the number can be reused.
Tid: Identification number as a 4-digit code of the current user thread in the server.
Type: Client type. Possible values are:
Java: client is using JDBC
ODBC: client is using ODBC, including solidDB SQL Editor (solsql)
SMA: client uses Shared Memory Access (SMA)
Solcon: client is solidDB Remote Control (solcon)
Machine id: Client computer name (host name) and IP address, if available
Login time: Client computer login timestamp
Client version: Version of the JDBC or ODBC client.
Client version information is not available for solidDB Remote Control (solcon) connections.
For solidDB SQL Editor (solsql) connections, the ODBC client version is shown.
Appinfo: Value of the client environment variable SOLAPPINFO (ODBC), or the value of JDBC connection property solid_appinfo.
You can retrieve more detailed information about each user connection by using the 'userlist' command with the -l option, see USERLIST.
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Monitoring solidDB