solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Monitoring solidDB : Producing reports
Producing reports
The ADMIN COMMAND 'report' command produces a report that contains information about the server, users, and database operations. The report also includes the configuration file (solid.ini) settings and a list of the performance counters. solidDB support staff might ask you to produce the report for troubleshooting purposes.
To create a report about the status of solidDB, run the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'report report_filename'
To ensure that the solidDB Support Assistant collects the reports that you have generated, make sure that report_filename begins with the prefix rep. For more information about the solidDB Support Assistant, see solidDB Support Assistant (solidsupport).
In general, the solidDB support team uses reports for troubleshooting, and you might be asked to produce a report for troubleshooting purposes. You can also generate the report to gain information about a problem that you are investigating, but its use might be limited without knowledge of the solidDB source code.
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Monitoring solidDB