solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Performance tuning : Controlling transaction durability : Setting the transaction durability level
Setting the transaction durability level
In solidDB, you can set the default durability level for a server by setting a value for the Logging.DurabilityLevel parameter, see Logging section.
Note You can also change the durability level programmatically, see Setting transaction durability level.
The parameter Logging.DurabilityLevel can take one of the following values:
1 (relaxed durability) If you want to set a maximum delay time before the server writes data to the transaction log, use the Logging.RelaxedMaxDelay parameter, see Logging section.
2 (adaptive durability)
3 (strict durability)
Adaptive durability
Adaptive durability is meant for HotStandby operation. If the value of the Logging.DurabilityLevel parameter is set to 2 (adaptive), the actual durability level is determined by the following factors:
If HotStandby is not enabled, the server uses strict durability.
If HotStandby is enabled then:
if the server is a primary server in PRIMARY ACTIVE state, the server uses relaxed durability.
in all other cases, the server uses strict durability.
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Controlling transaction durability