solidDB Help : Programming : Managing transactions : Choosing transaction durability level : Setting transaction durability level
Setting transaction durability level
The four ways to set the transaction durability level are described in a descending order of precedence:
1 SET TRANSACTION DURABILITY (transaction-level setting)
For example:
The SET TRANSACTION DURABILITY statement specifies the transaction durability for a transaction. You must execute the SET TRANSACTION DURABILITY statement at the beginning of a transaction. The durability setting applies only to the current transaction, until the transaction is committed or aborted.
2 SET DURABILITY (session-level setting)
For example:
The SET DURABILITY statement specifies the transaction durability for a session. A session is the time between connecting and disconnecting to the server. Each user has a separate session, even if the sessions overlap in time. A single user can establish more than one session, for example, by running solsql from multiple consoles, or by writing a program that makes multiple connections to the same server.
When you use the SET DURABILITY statement, you specify the transaction durability only for the session in which the statement is executed. Your choice does not affect any other user session, any other open session that you have, or any future session that you open.
The effect of this statement lasts until the end of the session, or until another SET DURABILITY statement is executed.
3 Logging.DurabilityLevel (server default setting)
See Logging section.
For example:
The parameter setting affects all users, see Logging section.
If you do not set the transaction durability level by using any of the methods mentioned, the server uses relaxed durability.
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Choosing transaction durability level