solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Security : Authentication : Operating-system-based external authentication : Configuring externally-authenticated accounts : Creating externally-authenticated accounts for database administrators
Creating externally-authenticated accounts for database administrators
The external authentication method for a database administrator account must be specified when creating a database.
To create an externally-authenticated database administrator account, complete the following steps:
1 Complete the steps to configure your environment for external authentication, see Configuring externally-authenticated accounts.
2 Create a new solidDB database by using the following syntax:

solid -p -U username -C catalog_name

where username must match the user name of a user that has an operating system user account. For example:

solid -p -U soliduser1 -C DBA

If you do not specify a user name or a catalog name, solidDB prompts you for the values.
Note If the database administrator account uses external authentication, you cannot disable the use of OpenSSL libcrypto. If the database administrator account is externally authenticated and General.UseCryptoLib is set to no, solidDB server startup fails with the following error:

External authentication requires OpenSSL libcrypto to be enabled