solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Grid application considerations : Guidelines for designing applications that use a grid : Schema requirements and recommendations
Schema requirements and recommendations
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
Databases that use a solidDB grid have certain schema requirements. If the requirements are not met, tables or other database components cannot be created in the grid.
General requirements
The following requirements apply to any grid database:
You cannot create temporary or transient tables in a grid. Attempts to create these table types fail with the following error messages respectively:

SOLID Table Error 13634: Temporary tables not supported in Grid.
SOLID Table Error 13634: Transient tables not supported in Grid.
You cannot create sequences in a grid. An attempt to create a sequence in a grid fails with the following error message:

SOLID Table Error 13634: Sequences not supported in Grid.
Note The same errors are returned if the CREATE GRID statement is executed and the existing database includes one or more temporary tables, transient tables, or sequences.
Requirements for partitioned tables
The following requirements must be met by the schema of every partitioned table:
Each table must have a partitioning key that is defined by the CREATE TABLE.. PARTITION BY clause.
Each table must have a replication factor that is defined by the CREATE TABLE.. REPLICATION FACTOR clause.
Parent and child tables must use the same column as the partitioning key. The partitioning key for both tables should be the first (or only) attribute of the primary key and the child table should include the foreign key as the first attribute of the primary key, see Keeping related data on the same grid node.
Global uniqueness (across all partitions of a table) is not supported so you cannot use the CREATE TABLE.. UNIQUE clause with column definitions, or use the CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement to define an additional index on a table.
Indexes other than the primary key do not work globally so it is not practical to define any additional indexes by using the CREATE INDEX statement.
Triggers work only with procedure language that operates on local data so they are only practical to use for data validation, see Routing INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements.
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Guidelines for designing applications that use a grid