solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Grid application considerations : Schema upgrades
Schema upgrades
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
There are some limitations associated with changing the schema of a grid database:
You cannot make the following schema changes to partitioned tables:
change the partitioning key,
change the replication factor,
change the primary key.
You cannot directly change a partitioned table to a non-partitioned (shared) table, or a non-partitioned table to a partitioned table.
Note You can export the data and then import the data into a table of the required type by using the solidDB Export (solexp) and solidDB Speed Loader (solloado or solload) tools, see Using solidDB data management tools.
However, you can make the following schema changes (to both partitioned and non-partitioned tables):
add and drop tables,
add columns to tables,
drop columns from tables (other than the primary key or partitioning key for a partitioned table),
add and drop foreign key constraints.
Schema upgrades must be executed simultaneously across all grid nodes. The execution might have to wait for a previous Raft operation to complete, and any subsequent write operations must wait until the schema upgrade is complete.
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Grid application considerations