solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Grid application considerations : Guidelines for designing applications that use a grid : Error Handling
Error Handling
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
The interface between an application and a solidDB grid is based on ODBC or JDBC and is very similar to any other application that is built on those interfaces. The errors and exceptions are returned in the same way and most error codes can be handled by the application in the same way, for example. SQL syntax errors or access right errors.
However, a grid requires additional error processing for the following types of errors:
Grid errors from which the grid recovers automatically by opening a new transaction, by commit or rollback, or by retrying the operation.
Errors for DML or DDL operations that succeed in a standalone solidDB environment but fail in a solidDB grid. These errors should be considered as fatal and the corresponding part of the application or data model must be redesigned. For example:
18503 DDL operation not allowed in current grid node.
13624 Primary key definition does not match PARTITION BY definition (colname, colname).
13630 Writes are allowed only in Grid primary partition.
Timeout errors or blocking calls.
For a list of all grid-specific error messages, see the following topics:
solidDB Grid errors
solidDB table (TAB) errors and messages (error codes 136nn)
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Guidelines for designing applications that use a grid