solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Failure handling in the grid : Node controller : Controller.ini file
Controller.ini file
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
You configure the node controller behavior by using the controller.ini file. You can set the following parameters:
One or more solidDB ports that the node controller should monitor.
Number of consecutive restart attempts until the node is considered to be out-of-service.
The node controller does not attempt to restart nodes that have been identified as out-of-service.
Default value: 3
Connect timeout (in milliseconds) for connecting to a monitored solidDB process.
Default value: 2000
Read timeout (in milliseconds) for receiving a reply from a monitored solidDB process.
Default value: 5000
Maximum wait time in seconds after which a unresponsive node is considered to have failed and is forcefully restarted. Wait time starts when the first ConnectTimeout or ReadTimeout is reached.
Set value to -1 to disable the option.
Default value: -1
The following text is an example of a controller.ini file:
Nodes=tcp 1323, tcp 2323, tcp 3323, tcp 4323
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Node controller