solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : solidDB Grid overview
solidDB Grid overview
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
solidDB Grid is an availability and scalability solution that runs in the cloud and bare-metal environments. You can configure a set of solidDB servers, that run in multiple connected nodes, to appear as a single logical database.
Diagram that compares standalone database with grid-based solution
The following table compares the capacity, throughput, and vulnerability of a solidDB single database solution and a solidDB Grid solution:
Single solidDB database
solidDB grid
Limited to the capacity of one node
Scales up (and down) by adding (or removing) nodes
Limited by processor capacity of one node
Scales up (and down) by adding (or removing) processor power
Vulnerable to failure
Protected against failures by data redundancy
solidDB Grid provides high transparency to applications that are connected to a grid. A grid acts as a transactional and persistent SQL database with ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) properties. Designing and implementing a new SQL application for a grid is the same as the process for any transactional, relational database.
A grid provides fault tolerance if less than half of the grid nodes fail. If a grid node fails, all data that was successfully committed to the grid can be retrieved from one or more of the remaining nodes.
Building and scaling a grid
The logical database is dynamically scaled up or down by adding or removing nodes from the grid. A solidDB Grid solution can be scaled up, for example, when transaction rates or data volumes increase, and then scaled down again when transaction rates or data volumes decrease.
The database is fully available during any conversion and scaling processes.
Diagram that shows scaling grid up and down
Supported interfaces
The following table summarizes the solidDB interfaces and features that can be used with solidDB Grid.
Interface / feature
Full support.
ODBC and JDBC drivers route the SQL queries and SQL write operations to appropriate nodes. Hence, all SQL-based functionality is automatically available except the operations in which routing the same operation to all grid nodes is not practical. See Routing data in a grid.
Not supported
Not supported
Full support (solsql, solloado, solexp).
Note solload is not supported.
Linked Library Access (LLA) and Shared Memory Access (SMA)
Not supported
High availability (HA)
solidDB Grid provides high availability features such as replication, load balancing, and automatic failure recovery. However, HotStandby (HSB) is not supported.
HSB, Advanced Replication, and C Replicator (CREP)
Not supported.
Even though a grid acts as a single logical database, a grid cannot be used in any of the following situations:
one of a pair of HSB databases,
a server in an Advanced Replication network,
a database in CREP replication.
solidDB Grid architecture
solidDB Grid use cases