solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Routing data in a grid : Node routing operations
Node routing operations
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
After a statement is routed to a grid node, the node might route the statement to another node for execution; see the following topics:
Routing SELECT statements
Routing INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements
There are also a number of other SQL statements that are not routed by a grid node:
DDL Statements (for example CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE) are routed by the grid-aware driver.
Note If, instead of using the grid-aware driver, you connect directly to a node in a grid and attempt to run a DDL statement, the results are unpredictable.
Sequencer calls are not routed. Using sequencers in grid-based applications is not recommended due to lack of global sequencers in the grid.
Triggers cause procedure code to be executed inside a single grid node. Triggers that refer to a row other than the row that initiates the trigger are not recommended in a grid-based application.
Database events, when posted, always remain in the same grid node,
Admin commands are always routed by the grid-enabled driver to the node that is the grid leader and executed there. To execute an admin command on a node that is not the grid leader, you must create a direct connection to the node.
Routing scenarios that might experience failures
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Routing data in a grid