solidDB Help : solidDB product overview : Diskless servers
Diskless servers
You can use solidDB to create a database that runs without any disk storage space.
The solidDB diskless engine offers a high performance database service for solutions like Edge computing or in-memory caching. A diskless server can be run in stand-alone mode without any data persistence or in a solidDB Hotstandby (HSB) setup with full data persistence.
You can run a diskless server in the following ways:
Stand-alone mode
Use standalone mode when you require high performance but do not need any data persistence. For additional performance benefits, use solidDB Linked Library Access (LLA) to co-locate the data with the application. Shared Memory Access (SMA) can also be used. See Deploying SMA and LLA applications.
Use case example: Extreme performance in-memory non-persistent transactional database cache.
HotStandby (HSB) mode
You can get the performance benefits of a diskless server without sacrificing data persistence by using HSB. With HSB, data is persisted on the secondary HSB server. Both HSB servers must operate in diskless mode.
Use case example: Edge services with very high performance requirements and with service level agreement (SLA) for availability.
With solidDB replication
You can use all solidDB replication technologies with a diskless server and you can mix both diskless and non-diskless servers in replication, except with HSB (see previous section).
Use case example: In-memory database cache with a persistent service as the replicated target.
Before starting a diskless server you should ensure that the you have configured appropriate settings for the maximum file size and the database cache, see Configuring diskless servers.