solidDB Help : Programming : Deploying SMA and LLA applications
Deploying SMA and LLA applications
You can use the solidDB Shared Memory Access (SMA) and Linked Library Access (LLA) features to link applications directly to a solidDB server, which can significantly improve performance compared with using protocols such as TCP/IP to communicate over the network, see Shared memory access and linked library access.
To deploy a Shared Memory Access (SMA) or Linked Library Access (LLA) application, you complete the following high level steps:
1 configure your solidDB environment as required,
2 link your applications to the appropriate library or driver,
3 start the server,
4 establish a local connection between the application and the server.
After you have created your application, you can monitor the performance by using the monitoring features that are provided with solidDB.
Important Using SMA can offer significant performance benefits but also greatly increases the complexity of your solidDB deployment.
Limitations when using SMA or LLA with Java applications
solidDB APIs and drivers for SMA and LLA
Deploying SMA applications
Deploying LLA applications
Use of signal handlers
Configurations with local and remote applications
Creating and running remote or dual-mode applications with SMA and LLA servers
Using the diskless capability with SMA and LLA servers