solidDB Help : solidDB product overview : Shared memory access and linked library access : Linked Library Access (LLA)
Linked Library Access (LLA)
With the Linked Library Access (LLA), an application links to a static library or a dynamic library that contains the full database server functionality. This means solidDB runs in the same executable program with the application, eliminating the need to transfer data through the network.
The application that is linked to the solidDB server using the LLA library is called an LLA application; the server is called an LLA server.
The application that links to the LLA library can also have multiple connections, using ODBC API, SA API, and JDBC API. All these APIs are reentrant, allowing simultaneous connections from separate threads.
The application that links directly to LLA library can also create remote connections to other database servers. The connection type (local or remote) is defined in the connect string that is passed to the ODBC API or SA API connect function or defined in the JDBC connection properties.
LLA is available on all platforms that solidDB supports, see solidDB supported platforms.
Principles of operation
When you start your application, only the code in your application starts running automatically. The server code is largely independent of your application code, and you must explicitly start the server by calling a function. In most implementations, the server runs on threads that are separate from the thread or threads used by the application. Calling the function to start a server performs any initialization steps required by the server code, creates the appropriate additional threads if necessary, and starts the server running on those threads.
For information about creating LLA applications, see Deploying LLA applications.
Disk-based and diskless server
The solidDB server used with LLA can be disk-based or diskless, see Diskless servers. The LLA library contains two different function calls to start the server. The SSCStartServer function call starts a normal disk-based server, while SSCStartDisklessServer starts a server that does not use the disk drive.
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Shared memory access and linked library access