solidDB Help : Programming : Developing applications with in‑memory tables : Using in-memory tables with other solidDB features
Using in-memory tables with other solidDB features
The following solidDB features can be used with in-memory tables (M-tables):
Shared Memory Access and Linked Library Access
Shared Memory Access (SMA) and Linked Library Access (LLA) provide the solidDB server in the form of a linkable library. You can link your application directly to the SMA or LLA library and access the library by using function calls without going through a network communications protocol.
For more information about SMA and LLA, see Shared memory access and linked library access.
HotStandby and applications that use the Logreader
HotStandby (HSB) and applications that use the Logreader, such as C Replication and grid applications, process the transaction log in order to manage the synchronization of data between servers.
M-tables can be used with HSB and applications that use the Logreader, but with the following considerations:
Persistent M-tables that are created on one server can be replicated between servers.
Temporary tables and transient tables that are created on one server should not be replicated to other servers.
For more information about HSB, see Using HotStandby with applications.
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Developing applications with in‑memory tables