The following topics contain information about accessing solidDB through the different Application Programming Interfaces, with or without Shared Memory Access (SMA), Linked Library Access (LLA), or HotStandby (HSB).
Your client applications can use the solidDB ODBC driver, solidDB JDBC driver, solidDB SA, and HTTP to access solidDB.
▪ The solidDB ODBC driver conforms to the Microsoft ODBC 3.51 API standard.
▪ The solidDB JDBC driver is a solidDB implementation of the JDBC 2.0 standard.
▪ solidDB SA is a proprietary interface to the solidDB database.
▪ solidDB HTTP SQL Access allows applications to access solidDB by using HTTP requests.
The topics assume a general knowledge of relational databases and SQL, and a familiarity with solidDB. If you want to use the ODBC driver, the topics assume a working knowledge of the C programming language. If you want to use the JDBC driver, the topics assume a working knowledge of the Java programming language.