solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB JDBC driver : solidDB JDBC driver extensions : IBM WebSphere Application Server compatibility
IBM WebSphere Application Server compatibility
The solidDB JDBC driver includes features that improve compatibility with IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Java Transaction API (JTA) support
The solidDB server can participate in distributed transactions by using the Java Transaction API (JTA) interface. The following interfaces are supported, as described in the Java Transaction API Specification 1.1:
XAResource Interface (javax.transaction.xa.XAResource)
Xid Interface (javax.transaction.xa.Xid)
When using JTA in HotStandby (HSB) configurations, load balancing is not supported.
solidDB Data Store Helper Class in WebSphere Application Server
An adapter class is required for those JDBC data sources that are to be used within WebSphere Application Server. The base class for these adapters is the class; solidDB implements its own version of this adapter inside a class called
This class is provided within the solidDB product as a separate archive file called SolidDataStoreHelper.jar. You can find this file in the jdbc directory in the solidDB installation directory.
When you are configuring a new solidDB data source in WebSphere Application Server, you must do the following tasks:
Give the in the data store helper field of the configuration.
Specify the full path to the SolidDataStoreHelper.jar file in the data source configuration of WebSphere Application Server.
See the WebSphere Application Server documentation for further details about how to define new data sources.
An example of how to install a solidDB WebSphere Application Server application in the Websphere Studio Application Developer workspace, is provided with solidDB, see J2EE sample application for WebSphere Application Studio.
solidDB Data Source Properties and WebSphere Application Server
You must define the following properties when configuring a new data source in WebSphere Application Server:
type: java.lang.String
value should use syntax similar to the following syntax:
'jdbc:solid:// <hostname>:<port>'
type: java.lang.String
value should be a valid user name
type: java.lang.String
value should be a valid password
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solidDB JDBC driver extensions