solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB JDBC driver : solidDB JDBC driver extensions : Connection timeout in JDBC
Connection timeout in JDBC
A number of features are available in solidDB to set a connection timeout (the response timeout of any JDBC call that invokes data transmission over a connection socket). If the response message is not received within the time specified, an I/O exception is thrown.
The JDBC standard (2.0/3.0) does not support setting the connection timeout. However, solidDB has implemented two ways to set a connection timeout:
a non-standard driver manager extension method and the other one using the property mechanisms. The time unit in either case is one millisecond.
Driver Manager Method get/setConnectionTimeout()
The following example illustrates the solution. The effect of the setting is immediate. This allows to set the timeout to zero if you want to force-disconnect.
//Import Solid JDBC:
import solid.jdbc.*;

//Define the connection:
solid.jdbc.SolidConnection conn = null;

//Cast to SolidConnection in order to use Solid-specific methods:
conn = (SolidConnection)java.sql.DriverManager.

//Set connection timeout in milliseconds:
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