solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB ODBC API : Getting started with solidDB ODBC : Format of the solidDB connect string
Format of the solidDB connect string
The client processes use the solidDB connect string (network name) to specify the server that the client connects to.
The most commonly used network-based solidDB connect string consists of a communication protocol, a possible set of special options, an optional host computer name, and a server name.
The communication protocol and the server name must match the ones that the server is using in its network listening name. In addition, most protocols need a specified host computer name if the client and server are running on different machines. All components of the client network name are case-insensitive.
For the full syntax of a connect string, see ODBC: Connection string syntax.
Connect=tcp -z -c1000 1315
Connect=nmpipe host22 SOLID
solsql "tcp localhost 1315"
solsql "tcp 1315"
rc = SQLConnect(hdbc, "upipe SOLID", (SWORD)SQL_NTS, "dba", 3, "dba", 3);
rc = SQLDriverConnect(hdbc,
       (SQLCHAR*)"DSN=tcp localhost 1964;UID=dba;PWD=dba",
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Getting started with solidDB ODBC