solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB ODBC API : Testing and debugging an application
Testing and debugging an application
The Microsoft ODBC SDK provides tools for application development.
The following tools are included:
ODBC Test, an interactive utility that enables you to perform ad hoc and automated testing on drivers. A sample test DLL (the Quick Test) is included, which covers basic areas of ODBC driver conformance.
ODBC Spy, a debugging tool, which you can use to capture data source information, emulate drivers, and emulate applications.
Sample applications, including source code and makefiles:
A #define, ODBCVER, to specify which version of ODBC you want to compile your application with. To use the ODBC 3.51 constants and prototypes, add the following line to your application code before providing the include files.
#define ODBCVER 0X0352
For solidDB specific ODBC extensions, include the solidodbc3.h header file.
For additional information about the ODBC SDK tools, see the Microsoft ODBC SDK Guide.
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