solidDB Help : Programming : Using SQL for database administration : Managing tables : Accessing system tables
Accessing system tables
solidDB system tables store database information, including user information. Your ability to access specific system tables depends on your user role and access rights. For example, DBAs can view all information about stored procedures, including the procedure definition text (that is, the CREATE PROCEDURE statement). Normal users can see the stored procedures, including the procedure definition text, for procedures that they have created. Normal users who have execute access on a stored procedure, but who did not create that stored procedure, can look at some information about that stored procedure but cannot see the procedure definition text. For a list of system tables, see SQL: Database system tables and system views.
The following table provides the viewing access and object granting privileges for specific system tables and their data by user role and user access rights.
Note "User with access rights" in this table refers to a normal user who has any one of the following rights: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT access.
User with access rights
User with no access rights
All (no restrictions)
All (no restrictions)
All (no restrictions)
All (no restrictions)
Viewing user tables in SYS_TABLES
All (no restrictions)
Restricted to the owner tables only
All tables to which the user has INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, or REFERENCES access rights.
No tables can be viewed.
All (no restrictions)
Columns in the owner tables
Columns in tables to which the user has INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, or REFERENCES access rights.
No columns can be viewed.
Viewing SYS_PROCEDURES (excluding the procedure definition text — that is, the text of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement)
All (no restrictions)
Those procedures created by the user (owner)
Those procedures in which the user has execute access.
No procedures can be viewed.
Viewing Procedure definition text in SYS_PROCEDURES
All (no restrictions)
Those procedures created by the user (owner)
Note that execute access does not allow the user to see the procedure definition text.
No procedures or procedure definition text can be viewed.
Ability to grant access rights on procedures
All (no restrictions)
Those triggers created by the user (owner)
No triggers can be viewed.
Viewing trigger definition text in SYS_TRIGGERS
All (no restrictions)
Those triggers created by the user (owner)
No triggers can be viewed.
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Managing tables