solidDB Help : Programming : Using SQL for database administration : Managing tables : Deciding which tables to designate as in‑memory tables : Choosing the type of in-memory table
Choosing the type of in-memory table
If you decide to store a table in memory, you must choose whether to store the data in a persistent table, a transient table, or a temporary table. For more information about in-memory table types, see Types of in-memory tables.
Use the following questions to help you choose the most appropriate table type.
1 Do you need the data to be available again the next time that the server starts? If yes, use a persistent table. If no, continue to next question.
2 Do you need the data to be copied to a secondary HotStandby (HSB) server? If yes, use a persistent table. If no, continue to next question.
3 Do you need the data only during the current server session, but the data must be available to multiple users (or multiple connections from the same user)? If yes, use a transient table. If no, use a temporary table.
The term server session refers to a single run of the server, from the time that it starts until the time that it is either deliberately shut down or it goes down for an unexpected reason (such as a power failure).
A connection lasts from the time that a single user connects to the server until the time that user disconnects the same connection. A user can establish multiple connections, but each of these is independent.
Note Temporary and transient tables have restrictions that might affect your decision. For example, a temporary table can reference another temporary table, but it cannot reference transient or persistent tables. No other type of table can reference a temporary table.
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Deciding which tables to designate as in‑memory tables