solidDB Help : Programming : Tuning performance with SQL : Optimizing batch inserts and updates : Increasing speed of batch inserts and updates
Increasing speed of batch inserts and updates
You can optimize the speed for large batch inserts and updates to solidDB. The following guidelines are for increasing speed:
1 Check that you are running the application with AUTOCOMMIT mode set off.
The solidDB ODBC driver default setting is AUTOCOMMIT. To set your application with AUTOCOMMIT off, call the SQLSetConnectOption function as in the following example:
rc = SQLSetConnectOption
2 Do not use large transactions. Five hundred (500) rows is recommended as the initial transaction size. The optimal value for the transaction size is dependent on the particular application; you might need to experiment.
3 To make batch inserts faster, you can turn logging off. This, however, increases the risk of data loss during system failure. In some environments, this trade-off is tolerable.
The first two of these guidelines are the most important actions that you can take to increase the speed of batch inserts. The actual rate of insertions also depends on your hardware, on the amount of data per row, and on the existing indexes on the table.
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Optimizing batch inserts and updates