solidDB Help : Programming : Using HotStandby with applications : Transparent Connectivity : Defining the Transparent Connectivity connection : Connect error processing
Connect error processing
When a connect request for a Transparent Connectivity (TC) connection is made, it is considered successful if at least one applicable server is found and connected to.
The server can be in one of the states: PRIMARY ACTIVE, PRIMARY ALONE, or STANDALONE. Otherwise, the connect effort is considered failed. The address list is scanned one time.
There might be various reasons for the connect request to fail. Most of them are masked by the following error cases:
Native code
Message text and description
Client unable to establish a connection
Description: The driver has used the TC connect info to find an applicable server and connect to it. The effort has failed due to one of the following reasons:
No host listed in the address list was found
A host was found but the login timed out
A host was found but the login was rejected
Hosts found but not in the PRIMARY/ STANDALONE state
Invalid connect info...
Description: a syntax error is found in an elementary connect string or in the TC connect info (data source info).
Protocol ... not supported.
Description: the string "TC" in the beginning of the TC connect info is misspelled (or, an incorrect protocol name is given in the elementary connect string).
There are cases when the connection is accepted with a warning.
Native code
Message text and description
Connected to server in STANDALONE or PRIMARY ALONE state.
An effort has been made to set any non-default value for the failover level or load balancing method, and there is only one server available. On this case, neither failure transparency nor load balancing is available.
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Defining the Transparent Connectivity connection