solidDB Help : solidDB reference : Client-side configuration parameters : SharedMemoryAccess section (client-side)
SharedMemoryAccess section (client-side)
The following table describes the parameters that can be used in the [SharedMemoryAccess] section of the client-side solid.ini file. For parameters that can be used in the [SharedMemoryAccess] section of the server side solid.ini file, see SharedMemoryAccess section (server-side).
Factory value
If set to yes, the SMA driver signal handler handles the signals that are defined with the Signals parameter.
The SMA driver signal handler enables the SMA system to survive the most common application failures, such as killing or interrupting the applications from outside, or when one of the application threads runs within the server code, and another thread that is running application code causes the application to crash.
Upon the capture of certain signals, the signal handler closes the SMA connections safely and exits the SMA application. In most cases, the SMA server continues to run despite abnormal application exits.
The SMA driver signal handler installs itself when the first SMA connection is established and uninstalls itself when the last SMA connection is closed. Previously installed signal handlers are retained.
Signals that can break the SMA connection (handled by the SMA driver).
The signals are defined as integers or with the following mnemonics: SIGSTOP, SIGKILL, SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGQUIT, SIGABORT.
If the SMA application loops outside of the SMA driver (for example, does not call any functions), the signal can fail to terminate the application. In such a case, complete the following steps:
1 Throw out the connections at the server.
admin command 'throwout userid'
2 Use the SIGKILL signal to force the SMA application to exit.
kill -SIGKILL pid
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Client-side configuration parameters