solidDB Help : solidDB reference : Client-side configuration parameters
Client-side configuration parameters
The client-side configuration parameters define various characteristics for usage of the solidDB ODBC client and solidDB tools such as solidDB SQL Editor (solsql). The client-side parameters are stored in the client-side solid.ini configuration file and are read when the client starts.
Generally, the factory value settings offer the best performance and operability, but in some special cases modifying a parameter might improve performance. You can change the parameters by editing the client-side solid.ini configuration file.
The parameter values set in the client-side configuration file come to effect each time an application makes a call to the SqlConnect ODBC function. If the values are changed in the file during the program runtime, they affect the connections established thereafter.
Client section
Communication section (client-side)
Data sources section
SharedMemoryAccess section (client-side)
TransparentFailover section