solidDB Help : solidDB reference : JDBC: Non-standard connection properties
JDBC: Non-standard connection properties
The following table details the connection properties that can be used to implement connection-specific behavior, see solidDB JDBC driver extensions.
Attribute that uniquely identifies different applications that run in the same computer and under the same user name.
The value can be retrieved, on the server side, by using the command ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist'.
Default: Not set
File from which JDBC client reads the authentication token.
For an example of how to set the solid_authtoken_file property, see Using token-based authentication.
Default: Not set
String from which JDBC client reads the authentication token.
For an example of how to set the solid_authtoken_string property, see Using token-based authentication.
Default: Not set
Database catalog name.
Default: Not set
Time (in milliseconds) to wait for a connection to be established.
The property must be set before a new connection is attempted. After a connection object is created, changing the property value has no effect.
For an example of how to set the solid_connection_timeout_ms property, see Timeout properties.
Default: value of Srv.ConnectTimeout
Path to the location of the OpenSSL libcrypto library. This parameter must be set if solid_use_strong_encryption is set to yes.
For an example of how to set the solid_crypto_path property, see Configuring external authentication for JDBC clients.
Default: Not set
If set to YES, the driver uses a grid connection (to connect to a solidDB grid).
If not set, the driver uses a standard direct connection to a specified node in the grid.
For an example, see Connecting to a grid.
Default: Not set
Time (in minutes) to wait for activity on an idle connection.
A value of ‘0’ means the connection never expires.
Default: value of Srv.ConnectTimeout
(solidDB version 200.0.3 and later)
Absolute path to the Java keystore file.
Default: Java environment variable set in client environment ( or, if not set, same as truststore path, see solid_truststore_path on page 1907.
(solidDB version 200.0.3 and later)
Java keystore password.
Default: Java environment variable set in client environment ( or, if not set, same as truststore password, see solid_truststore_pwd on page 1907.
Time (in milliseconds) to wait for a connection to open.
You can use also the method DriverManger.setLoginTimeout(seconds) to set the login timeout. This is a standard-compliant method.
Default: value of Srv.ConnectTimeout
Preferred Transparent connectivity (TC) access mode for HotStandby, see Transparent Connectivity with JDBC.
READ_MOSTLY: automatic load balancing of read-only transactions between the primary and secondary servers.
WRITE_MOSTLY: all load is transferred to the primary server.
Database schema name.
Default: Not set
If set to yes. a local (non RPC-based) JDBC connection is made to an SMA server.
If not set, the connection is made over RPC.
In addition, you must define that you are using a local server at a given port.
For an example of how to set the solid_shared_memory property, see Shared Memory Access connection property.
Default: Not set
Valid value: yes
Controls the TCP socket linger behavior after a close on the socket connection is requested.
1: system attempts to deliver any buffered data when a method is invoked on the socket connection.
0: system discards any buffered data when a method is invoked on the socket connection.
The connection property does not have any effect if the Com.SocketLinger parameter is set.
Default: 1
Valid values: 1, 0
Time (in seconds) for which socket lingers after a close is requested.
If the time interval expires before the graceful shutdown sequence completes, an abortive shutdown sequence occurs (the data is discarded).
The connection property does not have any effect if the Com.SocketLingerTime parameter is set.
Default: 10
Transparent connectivity failover level for HotStandby, see Transparent Connectivity with JDBC.
Default: NONE
Time (in milliseconds) that driver should wait for a HotStandby server to switch state (in case of switchover or failover), see Transparent Connectivity with JDBC.
Default: 10000 (10 seconds)
Time (in milliseconds) that driver should wait before attempting to reconnect to the primary HotStandby server (in case of switchover or failover), see Transparent Connectivity with JDBC.
Default: 10000 (10 seconds)
(solidDB version 200.0.3 and later)
Path to the Java truststore file.
Default: Java environment variable set in client environment (
(solidDB version 200.0.3 and later)
Java truststore password.
Default: Java environment variable set in client environment (
Whether passwords and database files are encrypted by using the DES algorithm.
If solid_use_encryption is set to yes, then solid_use_strong_encryption must be set to no in order to use DES encryption.
Default: yes
Valid values: yes, no
Whether passwords and database files are encrypted by using the OpenSSL libcrypto library.
For an example of how to set the solid_use_strong_encryption property, see Configuring external authentication for JDBC clients.
Default: no
Valid values: yes, no
Whether TLS is used to encrypt the JDBC connection.
For an example of how to set the solid_use_tls property, see Using SSL to encrypt the network connection between a JDBC client and a server.
Default: no
Valid values: yes, no
Number of statements that can be held in the statement cache, see Statement cache.
If the value exceeds the valid range, the driver silently forces the value to either 1 (if given value is below 1) or 512 (if given value is greater than 512).
For an example of how to set the StatementCache property, see Statement cache property.
Default: 8
Valid range: 1 to 512