solidDB Help : solidDB reference : SQL: Data types
SQL: Data types
The following topics list the supported data types by category.
The defined length of the column; for example, for CHAR(24) the precision and length is 24
The defined precision; for example, for NUMERIC(10,3) it is 10
The defined scale; for example, for NUMERIC(10,3), it is 3
The maximum length of column
Not applicable
Column values in the data type tables
The following columns are included in each data type table:
Size (range)
The size (range) of a numeric column refers to the minimum and maximum values the column can store.
The size of character columns refers to the maximum length of data that can be stored in the column of that data type.
The precision of a numeric column refers to the maximum number of digits used by the data type of the column.
The precision of a non-numeric column refers to the defined length of the column.
The scale of a numeric column refers to the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For the approximate floating point number columns, the scale is undefined because the number of digits to the right of the decimal point is not fixed.
The length of a column is the maximum number of bytes returned to the application when data is transferred to its default C type.
For character data, the length does not include the null termination byte. The length of a column can differ from the number of bytes needed to store the data on the data source.
Display size
The display size of a column is the maximum number of bytes needed to display data in character form.
Character data types
Numeric data types
Binary data types
Date data type
Time data type
Timestamp data type