solidDB Help : Replication : C Replicator : CREP Monitoring and diagnostics : Creating replication status report
Creating replication status report
To generate a report that contains information about the server, users, and database operations, you can use the following command, see REPORT:
The report also includes section for replication, which includes the list of subscriptions, the status of the execution queue, the list of active transactions, and thread statistics. To find the C Replicator (CREP) replication section in the report, search the report for 'REPLICATION INFO', for example:
Server UUID: e81ab847-e843-4801-b21d-830bfba879d0
Source #0:
    Subscription:     SUBS
    Partition:        PART
    Last Op time:     Fri Apr 20 14:43:13 2018
    Last Nop time:    Fri Apr 20 14:43:18 2018
    Number Ops:       1
    Number Nops:      6
    Number Trx.Start: 1
    Number Trx.End: 1
    Number DDL:       0
    Number Log open: 1
    Current Log pos: 0000000000000018000000010000000000000200000000000000021E
    Catchup Log pos: 0000000000000018FFFFFFFF000000000000021E000000000000021E
    Open trx:         0

Transactions added=18 applied=18
Transactions ready queue size=0
Applier thread: #0 committed 2 transactions
Applier thread: #1 committed 2 transactions
Applier thread: #2 committed 1 transactions
Applier thread: #3 committed 0 transactions
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CREP Monitoring and diagnostics