solidDB Help : Replication : C Replicator : Principles of operation : Database schema considerations
Database schema considerations
For C Replicator (CREP) replication, partitions are defined on the source database by using the CREATE REPLICATION PARTITION and ALTER REPLICATION PARTITION statements, see CREATE REPLICATION PARTITION, and ALTER REPLICATION PARTITION.
On the target database, replication sources are defined in terms of source database partitions. Changes made to the source partition tables are asynchronously propagated to the target database.
Application developers and administrators should create target database schema that allows for replication from a source database. In the case of schema incompatibility, replication might not be able to continue until the issue is manually resolved. See Database schema considerations for more information.
Application developers and administrators should be aware and take care of situations that require conflict resolution. Ideally, applications should be designed so that either conflicts never occur in the system, or conflicts can be resolved by the simple set of rules that CREP provides.
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Principles of operation